Gynaeo-Endocrinological Procedures
Infertility Treatment
Management of High-Risk Pregnancy
Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery
Fellowship, International Academy of Medical Sciences
MD, 1969, University of Delhi
MBBS, 1964, University of Jammu and Kashmir
Dr. Shakti Bhan Khanna
Dr. Shakti Bhan Khanna is a Gynaecologist and Obstetrician of great repute, practicing with credit for nearly 60 years.
She has experience in various fields of gynaecology like Gynae-oncology.
Gynae endocrinology, infertility and high risk pregnancies and pelvic reconstructive surgery.
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
Life Time Achievement Award by the Honorable Health Minister Shri.Gulam Navi Azad
Felicitation by “Kashmiri Samiti Delhi (Regd.)” a nodal agency for displaced Kashmiris
“Maa Sharika Samman 2007” for being Outstanding Community Worker, Gynaecologist, Social and Human Rights Activist
Felicitation by “Kashmiri Sewak Samaj in Medicine and Healthcare in the year of April 3, 2009 at Sharika Bhawan, Sector-17, Faridabad
Felicitation at Second International Conference Gynae Plastic Surgeons held in Amritsar in March 2009